What does your business need?
May it be a sole proprietorship or a joint venture, large or small-scale company, manufacurer, distributor or service provider, I am offering the following complete and ready-to-start solutions.
Call Center – Customer Service in Polish Language
The Poland-branch of your business does need a customer service? Somebody to receive the phone calls? Somebody to answer the mails? Somebody to send the parcels? Somebody to receive returns? Full-time or Part-time?
Your business can get all this service with clerks speaking (among others) Polish language as native speakers or at the same level. At a business location / in an offive / in a shop on-shore.
Benefits of the service
- The administrative needs are fullfilled by receiving a single invoice per billing cycle.
- No need for payroll and social security administration on the Client side.
- No asset investment needed, unless you insist on replicating existing parameters.
- Service is provided with measurable performance indicators set in the service agreement
- Having a representation on the national market makes your business trustworthy on the local level.
Would you like to gain new market for your products? To find new Customers? To tell them why is it so awsome to work with you?
Together with my coworkers we will find the wholesalers or the community of consumers interested in your product. We make your advertisment and marketing materials applicable on the local market and help you to get them to the right places. We organize storage and plan distribution of goods.
Would you like to purchase quality commercial goods from trustworthy manufacturers or wholesalers? Possibly for a competitive price?
With the help of my colleagues we are able to find you the adequate resources that match your required specifications. We request offers and arrange the deal for you. After the first deal seald we help you to maintain business relationship.
In case you are working with certain suppliers, we support you to maintain your cooperation and brig it to the next level.
Service adaptation
Do you have a service that your Customers love on the market you are currently opeating? Are you experiencing that the product you sell is only complete with the service you are selling it with?
If this is true, you need to organize that service in a high-quality manner on a new market as well. We analyze the structure of the service you built up and make it capable to fulfill the required function on the market of Poland as well.
Do you want to develop your enterprise, but still have no clue in what direction to do it? Are you lacking resources to process incoming data? Do you want to learn what part of your business is worth to pay more attention to?
We analize your business processes based on your notes, reports and numbers. We prepare indicators for you that you can monitor, so you can visualize the success of your business decisions..
Process transformation, outsourcing
Costly, complicated ad time consuming. If you have any business process in place that can be described with one of these characteristics, a process you rather want to get rid of, but not able to do so, then it is time to have a conversation.
We can offer the technology and the methodology used succesfully by global outsourcing companies for the enterprises that would like to develop on limited resources.
The time is now!
The offered services are customized for individual needs. Using predefined structures is not required from the Customer, the key to the success is the efficiency of individual solutions. Please describe the subject and the characteristics of your business and talk about the needs!