Dear Payer!
Our social insurance institution supplies us with information again. Does it in a very ofical manner, addressed personally to you and with a file reference number. If you would not (fully) understand what it is about, I am translating you here the contents of this very personal letter.
File ref. nr.: XXXXXX/YY/ZZZZZ/2022/OSK
TIN of the payer: ##########
REGON: ########
Concerns: change of the deadline for corrections of the settlement documents
Dear Madame/Sir, (one at a time)
The deadline of submitting corrections to settlement documents has been changes. This means, that you will be able to make corrections to the settlement documents regarding each accounting period as follows:
- From January, 1999 to December 2021 – Until January 1st, 2024
- From January 2022 – within 5 years from the payment deadline after the period the document regards,
How can you check your settlement documents?
You can check the documents on the Platform of Electronic Services of ZUS (PUE) in the application ‘ePłatnik’, in the section [Dokumenty w ZUS] or by the help of the Płatnik software.
If you wish to prepare a correction of a document, that currently is nor accessible for you through the mentioned applications, you can contact us (e.g. via our telephone customer service) and you can request the data to be shared with you.
You can request archive data via the ‘ePłatnik’ application in the menu [Dokumenty w ZUS] ,
Corrections of the submitted documents may be prepared by other interface software. The list of these is available on the page.
Will you be able to correct your settlement documents after the deadlines specified above
(I miss a question mark here…)
After the specified deadlines correction of the settlement documents will not be accepted. The corection documents regarding the accounting periods until December, 2021 must be submitted until January 1st, 2022 the latest. When the deadline expires, we will no longer have possibility to change the status of settlement documents on your payer’s account. Wi will be able to make changes only on the account of the beneficiary account based on lawful decision of ZUS or based on lawful court warrant.
Where can you get information
(Again, missing a question mark…)
You can get information on the topic of correction of the settlement documents:
- at out telephone customer service, at number 22 560 16 00,
- with making an e-appointment (,
- at the payer’s advisor in any of our branches.
Legal base(Does not really make sense to translate)
- Art. 11 ustawy z dnia 24 czerwca 2021 r. o zmianie ustawy o systemie ubezpieczeń
- społecznych oraz niektórych innych ustaw (Dz.U. z 2021 r. poz. 1621).
- Art. 48d ustawy z dnia 13 października 1998 r. o systemie ubezpieczeń społecznych (Dz.U.
- z 2022 r. poz. 1009, z późn. zm.).
The director of the branch (see 1st page, top-left)