If you are still not sure who or what to support with the 1% of your taxes, I reccomend you the following options:
Fundacja Iskierka
Cure for Aleksander Stec
Olek is fighting against his serious neuroblastoma. This is a tumorous illness of the so called sympathetic nervous system. Currently he is going through immunotherapy, that will enchance his health, but causes serious costs for the family.
Thanks to yout 1% donations from previous year his therapy can be continued. I highly recommend to support him for the successfull therapy.
Here yuo can find the info how Olek is doing now. https://www.facebook.com/StecOlek
Another way to support: on the website of the fundation:

Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym “Kawałek Nieba”
Cure fore Nolan Mihaylov
Nolan is fighting against serious leukemia. His planned therapy will take at least two years.
Fundacja Uniwerszteckiego Szpitala Dziecięcego w Krakowie o Zdrowie Dziecka
The fundation of the University Children’s Hospital of Cracow
Information in English available here: https://szpitalzdrowia.pl/o-szpitalu/english-info/


Stowarzyszenie Dać Szanse – To Give Chance
This association works in Wadaowice, They are providing healthcare and rehabilitation needs for disabled children. With this they are willing to give a better future and even chances for those they care for and for their families. http://dacszanse.pl/wspomoz-daj-szanse/przekaz-1–podatku